Canadian animation channel Teletoon announced the winners of its first Animation Scholarship Competition, at the Ottawa International Animation Festival awards ceremony on October 4. The prize money--a total of Canadian $28,500--is being divided among 15 selected winners in three categories. First place winners received $4,500, second place $2,000, third place $1500, fourth place $1,000 and fifth place $500. The winners are as follows:
Entrance Category:
1st place: Liem Nguyen, Kelvin High School (Winnipeg, MB).
2nd place: David Stodolny, Chinguacousy Secondary School (Brampton, ON).
3rd place: Noémie Champoux, École Secondaire Montcalm (Sherbrooke, QC).
4th place: Huy Nguyen, Fr. Michael Gotz Secondary School (Mississuaga, ON).
5th place: Erik De Leon, Fr. Michael Gotz Secondary School (Mississuaga, ON).
Continuing Education:
1st place: Jakub Pistecky, Emily Carr College of Art & Design (Vancouver, BC).
2nd place: Gilbert Ngo, VanArts (Vancouver, BC).
3rd place: André-Guy Landry, NBCC Miramichi (Miramichi, NB).
4th place: Barret Chapman, Capilano College (Vancouver, BC).
5th place: Brock Ellis, Emily Carr College of Art & Design (Vancouver, BC).
Most Promising Students (Graduates):
1st place: Jason Surridge, Vancouver Film School (Vancouver, BC).
2nd place: James Wootton, Vancouver Film School (Vancouver, BC).
3rd place: Jayson Thiessen, Vancouver Film School (Vancouver, BC).
4th place: Karen Lloyd, Vancouver Film School (Vancouver, BC).
5th place: Brock Ellis, Emily Carr College of Art & Design (Vancouver, BC).
For these awards, hundreds of Canadian high school, college and university students submitted applications over the past year, and from those, 30 students were selected as semi-finalists. The 191998/99 Teletoon Animation Scholarship Award information packets will be distributed to schools in December.