In 1992, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (TBS) first launched its 24 hourall-cartoon cable service, Cartoon Network. Next spring, Turner will launcha second all-toon service, Boomerang. When Cartoon Network debuted sevenyears ago, it could have been called the Hanna-Barbera Network because itsprogramming consisted almost exclusively of the classic Hanna-Barberalibrary, which was also owned by Turner. But recently new shows such as THEPOWERPUFF GIRLS and DEXTER'S LABORATORY, produced by Cartoon Networkitself, and since the Time-Warner/Turner merger, other, newer Warner Bros.shows, have forced most of the classic series off the air. The new networkis being created to rectify this situation, and provide an exclusive homefor the series and characters that baby boomers grew up with, hence thename Boomerang. Besides Hanna-Barbera stalwarts such as Yogi Bear,Huckleberry Hound, and The Flintstones, Boomerang will also showcase theWarner Bros. stars such as Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Elmer Fudd. Thenetwork will premiere April 1, 2000.