Warner Bros. is combining its feature and TV animation divisions under one roof in Sherman Oaks, California, and TV Animation President Jean MacCurdy will take on the responsibilities of supervising the production of Warner's animated features. Lorenzo di Bonaventura, President of Worldwide Theatrical Production, will continue to supervising the creative side of animated feature production. Warner plans to relocate its feature animation staff from Glendale to Sherman Oaks later this summer, but in about a year both divisions are expected to move into the new animation production facility currently under construction in what used to be the Sherman Oaks Galleria shopping mall which is being converted into office space next to their current headquarters. Warner's feature animation division has been without a President for a little over a year since Max Howard left for DreamWorks. Amanda Seward, Feature Animation Vice President, will continue to supervise day-to-day production under MacCurdy. The TV and feature animation divisions are already working together with OSMOSIS JONES being greenlit simultaneously as a feature and a TV series.