Tagged With: Waves '98

Festivals Headline News

Hollyshorts Fest Announces 2016 Animation Lineup

August 12 Adult Animation Program includes Oscar-winning animated short ‘Bear Story,’ ‘Man O Man’ from Simon Cartwright and Ely Dagher’s Palm D’or winner ‘Waves 98.’

Sundance Film Festival Headline News

Sundance Sets 2016 Animated Short Selections

Twelve animated shorts are selected to screen in competition, including ‘Bob Dylan Hates Me,’ ‘A Coat Made Dark,’ ‘Deer Flower,’ ‘Edmond,’ ‘Glove,’ ‘The Grandfather Drum,’ ‘The Itching,’ ‘Life Smartphone,’ ‘Limbo Limbo Travel,’ ‘Pombo Loves You,’ Shiny’ and ‘Waves '98.’