My next film will be Mimi and Gack! A story of War, Peace and even a little... LOVE.

Unlike other years, finding ideas for new short projects were scarce. This year, that has not been the case.


Unlike other years, when finding the ideas for a new short projects were scarce. This year, that has not been the case. A plethora of films have presented themselves – just waiting to be produced.

I have developed three ideas for films - all were different in their stories and techniques. One story was a sequel with Henri, another takes place in a coffee house and still another was a graphic, flatter style. 

The last of these is one I have selected to produce and direct this year. It is about 2 minutes and 30 seconds and stars -

                                    MIMI and GACK.



The story at it’s simplest deals with war, peace, enemies and love – maybe. It is a bit edgier than the others. The potential for a message and gags makes this one the most attractive. MIMI and GACK are enemies... that could conceivably fight to the death... or not.


MIMI AND GACK is only a working title. We will see where this goes.

As with PETE’S ODYSSEY, I will be working with the folks from Bloomfield College to join in the production. We will meet next week. and talk about the project.

I have a ruff storyboard already sketched out. I drew most of it while my CRV was being serviced last week. Cafes are GREAT places to work!

Primary animation will begin soon! Another 3 week intensive is scheduled in May and at the end of the course we hope to fly to Annecy - so the students can experience the best animation festival in the world!

Great! All I need now is a few thousand drawings.