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I'm new member

Hi all,

I'm just arrived here, and I would like your franck opinion on my stuff. It's not professional at all, I did it for pleasure.

Here my last animation in flash +-1 Mo, right mouse clic is faster

Also I made clay motion, it's visible here on my web site

Hoping that some of you will interested.

PS: I'm so sorry for my poor English :(
Kind regards

Trés bon, Jean Pierre!! I specially liked the song choice, and also the dreamlike ambience. Done in Flash like this it reminded me a little of La Planéte Sauvage (maybe because you're french maybe? hehe)

I didn't see the claymation stuff yet, but I really liked this one. Hope you evolve to other techniques too, like actual cut out animation. Flash works, but it's too limited. I feel like the movie was restrained and urging to explode in full color and motion.

Do you have any other projects in mind right now?

Hi Daniel,
Yes I'm French I live near Paris. I'm happy that you like my animation, you are the second one to see a link with "La Planéte Sauvage" from Topor, it's mervellous film. :)

I have project in my mind but as is time consuming is not easy, animation is not my job. I do that only for pleasure during my free time.

I like your animation

Your animation is really great. I am just learning how to use flash. I hope to make an amimation like that one day. I know it is dificult, but you did it great. The colors are fine and the timing. How long did it take to make that animation?

Greetings, from Guatemala!

I like it. Its very...sexual. :D Nice conceptual piece.

Quelle imagination JP. Vous avez un imagination sans limite! J'adore les surprises, a cause que c'est extremement original. Les couleurs, et les animations originales que vous avez cree spontanement, les couleurs, toute...absolument fantastique!

Si vous cherchez des critiques JP, je dirait seulement une chose. Meme si la musique que vous avez choisi etait excellent, et votre film etait egalement impressionant, ils marchait pas necessairement ensemble. L'ambience etait la...le feeling, mais tu travaillait pas avec le tempo de la musique pour accentuer l'animation...la meme chose que danser par exemple. Quand tu danse, tu bouge avec la musique...ton film bougait pas avec la musique, et peut-etre, c'etait a cause que la musique restait assez stable du debut, juste qu'a la fin.
La raison que je dis ca, est parce que t'a nomme ton film "Voyage Musical". J'etait pret a cause de ca, de voir des images et sons, travaillant ensemble.

Mais en tout cas mon ami, c'est incroyable. Et mes critiques sont vraiment des critiques stricte, a cause que je vois un imagination inspirante dans le facon que tu travaille.

Lache pas JP, c'etait un tres bonne surprise.



hi :) ,
im very much interested into animation field and want to make my career to , in to it , so can any body help me , how to get started in this , since i want to work on it , learn stuff .
:p tina


Mr JP,
I was very much intrigued to see your animation. I confess a short time ago i never knew much about animation, however circumstances have changed and now i am somewhat intrigued by this art form.
Visually it is beautiful, how long did it take? hmm, i myself have dabbled in clay mation... it is very costly though. Can anyone think how i could get this effect without the cost?.

tina and Nick, I have the same answer for both of you:

Blood, sweat and tears!!!

I promess it's worth it ;)[i]

I confess... that tried and tested method probably will be best!
But i would rather spend my tears with some kind of software... not trying to find it! Any ideas Poeira? anyone?

Hi all,

I'm just comming back from summer hollydays and it was a pleasure to read you.
So first many thx to every body for your comments on my stuff.

I will try to repply to each of you, even if some case I have difficulty to fully understand all of you (native language issue)

To Daniel Poeira :
Hi Daniel, I visit you web site, nice stuff !! :)

To jesmychaff & NickLight:
Using flash is not so complicated, Flash is a nice tools to combine object programmation and drawing.
:rolleyes: I spent auround 1 hour every days during 1 month 1 to finalize it.

To Adam:
Thx for your comments and your french speaking !! ;)
Regarding the title "Voyage musical" my idea was to illustrate where this music bring me and not really to have a true synchronisation of sound and image as a dance. Also voyage is ilustrated by the 2 persons who travel in "paysage imaginaire" .

To ender :
Sexual , it could be in second "plan" (part, land ?) when the 2 persons take off and pass upside the muntain.

To Tina :
I'm not able to help you, as I not professional at all. :(

King regards

JPV, I've only seen the flash animation-your composition is beautiful, each 'frame' could be a painting. Your palette choice fits your music perfectly. :) Bird

Cool. It had a kind of Salvador Dali/Escher feel to it.


Very cool. But I have a couple suggestions. Never link directly to the swf, always prepare a html page with the swf presented as you want it viewed (scaled to a certain size, etc.), that way a preloader can be used for those still on dialup. By linking directly to the swf everything downloads completely before it's viewed. That means a blank white page for those of us out in the hinterlands.

My second suggestions is be careful of gradients. Your use was pretty good overall, but the black gradient in the suits was just a little too close to the stock gradients included in Flash. I think a more subtle gradient with less white (change the white to a light grey) would have made your project really stand out.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.