has anyone on the forum, exported their swf videos as a .mov quicktime file on a windows xp"???? IF SO did u have any problems,,,, because im on a windows ME, and it doesnt work, so i plan on using an XP to export my videos
My newgrounds movie--->http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/247657
My newgrounds movie--->http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/247657
Hi there! recently I have found new vid2swf converter. It converts any video format to swf without any quality losslees. I recommend you to try it. It has demo version too. Here is the link:http://geovid.com/Video_to_Flash_Converter/
you can use Flash to Video Encoder
and install quick time alternative codec.
and everything will converts succesfully.;)
i'm pretty sure it doesn't work on xp either,cos i tried and no matter what i do i get an error message,other people i know have the same problem too.
so i just use avi.
Production Blog
but NOOB isnt ure .avi file massive?.........also , do u no if flash mx 2005 has the option to export as mpeg
My newgrounds movie--->http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/247657
yeh the avi can be huge,but it depends what ur using it for ,for web work i wudn't suggest that at all,but if ur putting sumthin on dvd it doesn't matter what size it is.
i'm sure there must be a way to fix the quicktime problem.
Flash 8 is arriving soon,maybe the quick time export thing will be fixed in it.wait and see i guess....
and no i don't see a mpeg extension in flash mx 2004,so i guess not,never had to look into it myself.
Production Blog
size is a problem though noob, cuz i convetred a 15 second video to .avi and it was 2 GB,,, yes, not 2 MB,,,,,,2 GB, !!! how is that plausible, and i hear everyone talking about this website www.geovid.com, however when i used it , the frame rate was like 5 fps,,,,, anyone else tried geovid
My newgrounds movie--->http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/247657
Flash for windows doesn't export a true Quicktime file. It's basicly an swf file with the file extension changed. So don't use it. Export as an .avi. As for the size issue, it's hard to tell what could be the problem. If you could post the swf file here so we could see, we might be able to give you some better sugestions. The first think I can suggest is if you have sound, is to drop it way down, like form 44kHz 16 bit stereo to 11kHz 8 bit mono. That usually cuts the size of my files down to about half. Doing this usually doesn't affect the sound quality very much. You can also drop the video format down a bit, but that degrades much quicker than the audio does. I sugest exporting a bunch of different versions take notes of what settings you exported at and comparing them all together. When you get a version that is fairly small and still has good video and sound quality, delete the rest and use that one. Thats what I did for my demoreel. The big version was something like over 800 megs. I think I was able to get it down to around 17 or 18 megs for my website. But that was by taking a compressed version and then recompressing it in Quicktime Pro, which for 30 something bucks is actually a really good, simple video editing program. You can then re-export your files as .mov files if you really want a QT file. There are also other file types to export. Pluss you can save quicktime movies and watch them full screen! Whoooo hooo!
Ok, I hope that helps you out some. If you can post your swf file that would be a great help for us to see what could be making your file so big.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
i attached file APE, so could APE or anyone here find a program, or simply through flash, convert my file to something that plays on a DVD player, (.mov,.avi,.vob) or whatever else and could you please tell me how you did it, so i can do it for future movies
PS: this wasnt the original video i was talking about, the other one was to large,,,, the main thing i am trying to accomplish is to convert swf files to to a file that plays on DVD.
PPS: I tried www.geovid.com,,,,, when i exported as .wmv the quality sucked and the colors were not the same,, when I tried avi, it didnt work, and same with mpeg 4,,,,,,,,,
I am having a really hard time with this, so please could someone help,,,,,
PPPS: sorry for asking so many questions lately
My newgrounds movie--->http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/247657
is there a cleaner 5 for windows?
in cleaner you can "clean" or transfer from .dv .avi to .swf to whatever...Can you make a .dv?
hey guys i finally got GEOVID TO WORK so i dont have any problems ,, thx for all the help
My newgrounds movie--->http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/247657
I think it was called Cleaner X (I can't remember now). It was a really big pain in the butt compared to the not so user friendly earlier versions (but the user friendliness took away the power of it!). Another casualty of the Dot Com software buy it and forget about it rush of the late '90's. I don't know if it could do DV. I think so...?
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