Flash to Cinema/Celluloid

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Flash to Cinema/Celluloid

im just wrapping up a film for a client. its a cinematic short and will be transfered on to film ( i dont know much about this) however the resolution they asked us to work in was 2048 x 1536 (which i think is a carry forward from the usual) 720 x 540

now my question is - is this the right way of going about this? i know Phil Nibbelink who did Romeo and Juliet and went straight from Flash to Film worked in 2048 x 1234.

following is from the CHF message board
I animated at 2048 x 1234 which is 1.66. I then composed for 1.85 and TV cut off with a center extraction. 1.66 is a good aspect ratio to shoot at because when you telecine the TV cut off brings your north and south back to 1.85. And if you've composed for center extraction there are no nasty surprises and you don't have to pay for 'pan and scan'. [/QUOTE]

im just wrapping up a film for a client. its a cinematic short and will be transfered on to film ( i dont know much about this) however the resolution they asked us to work in was 2048 x 1536 (which i think is a carry forward from the usual) 720 x 540

now my question is - is this the right way of going about this? i know Phil Nibbelink who did Romeo and Juliet and went straight from Flash to Film worked in 2048 x 1234.

following is from the CHF message board

Both of those numbers work as an aspect ratio but the first is 1:33 or 4:3. That's standard TV aspect but can also be used for film. I think it would be called strait 35mm and not anamorphic. It works it just won't be wide screen.
Maybe confirm the aspect ratio that they want the final image to be?
Sounds like it could be fun!

The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself. My Blog: Strange Thoughts

2048 x 1080 (which is DLI recommended for 2k files) would probably work better. its 1.89 and im guessing thats to allow for some chopping?

I guess that could work.
As long as that is the aspect ratio that your client is looking for. I've never worked withan aspect 1:89. Is it square pixels?

The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself. My Blog: Strange Thoughts

2048 x 1536 is, in fact, correct if they are going to Academy 35mm for the filmout. Basically what Phil Nibbelink did by dropping the vertical resolution was not waste time drawing in an area that would be chopped for theatrical presentation, this giving him the 1:66 apsect. He basically "letterboxed" it in advance.

Hey, Skinny! This has nothing to do with your question, but I saw your Cadbury commercials posted on Cold Hard Flash. Congrats!

Sharvonique Studios

Animated By Sharvonique Blog

AWN Showcase Gallery

Hey, Skinny! This has nothing to do with your question, but I saw your Cadbury commercials posted on Cold Hard Flash. Congrats!

thanks Shravonique.

i got some answers on this subject from a DV to Film conversion firm

im posting them below.

a lot of animated films at 1280 x 720 and 1920 x 1080.

Those are a slight crop to 1.85

Anything more than 2K is a waste for conventionally projected 35mm
since the projected resolution is only about 800 lines.

you should be aware that most cinemas will
cut that off to 1.85:1 for US and 1.66:1 for Europe.