The Academy celebrates the animated genius of Richard Williams with “This Amazing Medium,” an animation master class and retrospective tour with the Oscar-winning animator on Friday, October 4, at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills.
BEVERLY HILLS, CA – The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will present “This Amazing Medium,” an animation master class and retrospective tour with Oscar-winning animator Richard Williams, on Friday, October 4, at 7:30 p.m. at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills.
Presented as part of the Academy’s Marc Davis Celebration of Animation, the evening will feature film clips from Disney and Warner Bros. animation classics as well as from Williams’s own work. The event also marks the opening of the new exhibition “Richard Williams: Master of Animation” in the Academy’s Grand Lobby Gallery.
The event is sold out, but there will be a standby line. For more information, visit
The exhibit, on view through December 22, 2013, is a visual tour through Williams’ career that showcases his master class approach to the art of animation. Comprised of 12 unique zones, the exhibit is accompanied by matching chapters from Richard Williams's new iPad App, show aspiring animators and pros alike how to direct animation and how Williams approaches character movement, dialogue, animal action and more. Exhibit hours are Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and weekends noon to 6 p.m.
Source: The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences