The Brussels Animation Festival Becomes Anima 2003

The 2003edition of The Brussels Cartoon and Animation Festival will have anew look, with a poster created by Spanish artist Carles Porta, and anew name -- Anima 2003. Since 1982, Brussels has hosted the annualevent devoted to animation and welcomed such animation luminaries asTim Burton, Paul Grimault, Kihachiro Kawamoto, John Lasseter, RenéLaloux, Peter Lord, Moebius, Yuri Norstein and Nick Park. Over thepast five years the festival organizers have initiated aproliferation of new events during the festival including the Belgianfilms competition, a screening of student films and events such as"La Nuit Anime" (the Animated Night), as well as distributingselected short films every year on a "Best of the Festival"videocassette (soon to be available on DVD). Anima 2003 organizersfeel that "Anima" reflects the metamorphosis the festival hasundergone over the past few years and the new title is "furtherconfirmation of the festival's international vocation." Anima 2003,which annually attracts over 35,000 people, will host over 100 filmsand a number of original retrospectives. For more information aboutAnima 2003, including updates and an entry form, visit the Website at

Heikki Jokinen was there when The Brussels Cartoon and Animated FilmFestival celebrated its 20th anniversary. Includes a special photogallery.