Total Drama Action, the hit animated series with a reality twist, is down to its final two contestants. Who will win: Beth the gal, with a huge heart and unstoppable faith in herself or Duncan, the tough-looking kid with a rap sheet and an attitude? Starting now, viewers can log on to to vote for Beth or Duncan and tune in on Thursday, Dec. 10, 9 p.m., (ET/ PT) to see if their favorite will be announced the winner of Total Drama Action.
Press Release from Turner Broadcasting System
Total Drama Action, the hit animated series with a reality twist, is down to its final two contestants. Who will win: Beth the gal, with a huge heart and unstoppable faith in herself or Duncan, the tough-looking kid with a rap sheet and an attitude? Starting now, viewers can log on to to vote for Beth or Duncan and tune in on Thursday, Dec. 10, 9 p.m., (ET/ PT) to see if their favorite will be announced the winner of Total Drama Action.
The drama came down to a pirate-themed challenge where Beth and Duncan raced through a series of obstacles before being launched out of a canon right back to the first set of the season. Duncan's inability to answer trivia questions about his former cast mates cost him big, but Beth's insecurity about deserving to be in the finale was almost more crippling. They wound up neck and neck, and now it's up to Cartoon Network viewers to vote for the winner.
Total Drama Action is an animated comedy for kids 9-14 that showcases all the elements of tweens' favorite reality TV shows within the framework of an exciting, larger-than-life elimination competition. The series delivers the best moments of reality television: romances and friendships; scheming and sabotage; death-defying stunts and stomach-curdling challenges. On this season, the 14 lead contestants from last season's hit, Total Drama Island, faced thrilling challenges on an abandoned film studio back-lot - all inspired by the movies!
Cartoon Network (, currently seen in more than 97 million U.S. homes and 166 countries around the world, is Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.'s ad-supported cable service now available in HD offering the best in original, acquired and classic entertainment for kids and families. Nightly from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. (ET, PT), Cartoon Network shares its channel space with Adult Swim, a late-night destination showcasing original and acquired entertainment for young adults 18-34.
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., a Time Warner company, creates and programs branded news, entertainment, animation and young adult media environments on television and other platforms for consumers around the world.