Cartoon Network will offer two premieres on Saturday, August 21 and Sunday,August 22 at 9 pm. On both days at that time, one can see the premiere ofCOURAGE, THE COWARDLY DOG, created by John R. Dilworth, about a timid dogwho defends an elderly couple from paranormal threats. Immediatelyfollowing at 9:30 pm on both days is the premiere of Bill Wray's shortfilm, KING CRAB SPACE CRUSTACEAN, a parody of television science fictionseries. In the film the youngest crewmember of King Crab's intergalacticspace cruiser has his body invaded by a life-sucking outer space parasite.These premieres will be part of Cartoon Network's third annual CARTOONCARTOON WEEKEND, a 53-hour marathon of Cartoon Network's original cartoonswhich begins on Friday, August 20 at 7 pm and ends at midnight on Sunday,August 22. Other cartoons that will be shown include episodes of THEPOWERPUFF GIRLS, JOHNNY BRAVO, DEXTER'S LABORATORY, ED, EDD N EDDY, COW ANDCHICKEN, WHAT A CARTOON! SHOW, and I AM WEASEL.