The animated series, created by Emmy Award winner Don Moody, follows Mia and her sidekick Codie, who both love to code, premiering next month on Canadian broadcaster TVOKids.
DeAPlaneta Entertainment has announced a European (except the U.K.) and LATAM media licensing and digital rights deal with Moody Studios and Epic Story Media for the 3DCG animated comedy Mia & Codie created by two-time Emmy Award winner Don Moody. The show, which teaches kids pre-coding skills, is in production for two seasons (40x4.5’). It is commissioned in Canada with TVO, TFO, and Knowledge Network and will also head to Israel on HOP! Channel.
The preschool series for children ages 3-6 follows Mia, a girl who loves to code, and Codie, the robot she built to be the little brother she’s always wanted. Mia makes the world more marvelous through coding, and her “bro-bot” is the ideal partner. Codie is always game for an adventure, relatively indestructible, and able to do ANYTHING with the right code! Of course, coding is like life: We make mistakes, learn from them, and try again! As Mia learns more about coding her world, she grows as a coder and a big sister. When a challenge arises, Mia and Codie turn the ordinary into the extraordinary and are always ready to “Run the Code!”
“I’m so proud of this team,” shared Moody. “Laughing and learning, together we have made a unique comedy that inspires children to code. DeAPlaneta Entertainment brings an exciting blend of passion and know-how, making them the perfect fit to captivate the imaginations of children worldwide with this property.”
Mia & Codie premieres March 12 on Canadian broadcaster TVOKids. It is co-produced by Moody Studios, Epic Story Media, and Vancouver’s CG animation studio, Relish Studios. It is created and directed by Moody (WordWorld) with Sheila Rogerson (Max & Ruby) as story editor and curriculum design by educational advisor Caroline Rosenbloom.
DeAPlaneta Kids & Family director of Distribution and Contents, Carlos Biern, commented, “We are very proud to distribute an educational series as current as Mia & Codie, which aims to bring preschoolers to a language as necessary nowadays as coding.”
Source: DeAPlaneta Entertainment