The new animated comedy series stars Kimiko Glenn as the titular optimistic squirrel and H Michael Croner as her naïve bestie, a bunny named Barry.
Disney Branded Television has revealed a teaser trailer and cast news for its upcoming animated buddy-comedy series, Kiff. The series will star Kimiko Glenn (Orange Is the New Black) in the titular role of Kiff, an optimistic squirrel whose thirst for life takes her on countless adventures through her town. H Michael Croner (Craig of the Creek) will co-star as her naive and lovable bestie, a bunny named Barry.
Slated to premiere in 2023 on Disney Channel, the series comes from South African creators and executive producers Lucy Heavens and Nic Smal.
Set in a world where animals and magical oddballs tackle day-to-day life alongside one another, the series follows Kiff and Barry as they navigate school, relationships, and their often-eccentric community.
Inspired by the people and places Heavens and Smal experienced while growing up in Cape Town, South Africa, each half-hour episode, comprised of two 11-minute stories, will include a new original song.
Joining Heavens and Smal on the creative team is Emmy Award-winning Kent Osborne (Phineas and Ferb, Adventure Time), who will serve as co-producer and story editor, and Winnie Chaffee (Captain Planet and the Planeteers) as producer. Kiff is produced by Titmouse in association with Disney Channel.
See what’s in store with Kiff and Barry:
Buchwald and Untitled represent Glenn; Imperium 7 Talent Agency represents Croner.
Source: Disney Branded Television