Elephant Productions, the UK-based media company behind such series as GRIZZLY TALES FOR GRUESOME KIDS and JOHNNY CASANOVA THE UNSTOPPABLE SEX MACHINE, is to join forces with animation company Fictitious Egg to launch a new studio, Elephant Egg. The studio plans to offer a full range of animation services including traditional 2D, Flash, CGI and Celaction, as well as development and co-production services. Sarah Muller, managing director of Elephant Productions, will head up Elephant Egg, with Andy Wyatt, managing director of Fictitious Egg, as head of animation. Elephant Productions will remain a rights-holding vehicle and intellectual property development company and Fictitious Egg will continue to work as animation producer on its ongoing projects including ANIMAL SCHOOL, JOHNNY CASANOVA THE UNSTOPPABLE SEX MACHINE and a new series for the BBC, WWW.FATHERCHRISTMAS.COM.