Originating from the ‘World of Gra’ universe created by graduates of the Animationsinstitut, the trailer illustrates this year’s event theme, ‘Connecting Ideas;’ the 28th edition of FMX – Film & Media Exchange returns to Stuttgart April 23 to 26.
FMX – Film & Media Exchange has released the trailer for the 28th edition of its conference on animation, effects, interactive, and immersive media, which returns to Stuttgart April 23 to 26, 2024.
This year’s FMX Trailer reflects on the conference theme, “Connecting Ideas,” featuring tiny bulb creatures interlinking with a lonely giant, illuminating the merit of collaboration. The trailer originates from “World of Gra,” a storied universe created by graduates of the Animationsinstitut at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg.
“The overall topic of World of Gra is change and how to deal with it,” said trailer producer Julius Dorsel. “It’s about creatures who outgrow their world and have to move on. It’s about departure and self-discovery.”
The universe “World of Gra” was first presented at FMX 2023 and now, as a trailer, is a centerpiece of the conference. “It’s a badge of honor to be selected to provide the trailer,” noted Dorsel. “It’s a little intimidating and just wonderful that so many people are going to see our creatures on the screen.”
Watch: World of Gra, Official Trailer FMX 2024:
The young artists who created the trailer are also producing trailers for the Stuttgart Animated Week's three events in late April: FMX, the Festival of Animated Film (ITFS), and the business platform, Animation Production Days (APD).
Learn more about the unique “World of Gra” IP and the artists here.
Visit the FMX 2024 website for event updates.
Source: FMX 2024