Fox has acquired the rights to John Twelve Hawks' FOURTH REALM book series and has hired WATCHMEN scribe Alex Tse to pen the screenplay, according to THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER.
Fox has acquired the rights to John Twelve Hawks' FOURTH REALM book series and has hired WATCHMEN scribe Alex Tse to pen the screenplay, according to THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER. Gil Netter (THE BLIND SIDE) and Andrew Tennenbaum (THE BOURNE IDENTITY) are the producers.
The world of the books is set in a U.S. society where a secret organization has constant surveillance on the population. To escape from big brother, Travelers project their spirits into alternative dimensions and are protected by Harlequins.
The first book, THE TRAVELER, follows Maya, a reluctant Harlequin, who defends two Traveler brothers.
Joe Regal is the exec producer.