Juried Emmy Animation Winners Announced

The Acad­emy of Tele­vi­sion Arts & Sci­ences announces the juried win­ners for the 64th Prime­time Emmy Awards in the cat­e­gory of Indi­vid­ual Achieve­ment in Animation.

The Acad­emy of Tele­vi­sion Arts & Sci­ences announced the juried win­ners for the 64th Prime­time Emmy Awards in the cat­e­gory of Indi­vid­ual Achieve­ment in Animation. The 2012 juried win­ners are:

Disney’s Phineas And Ferb. “Doof Dynasty” (Dis­ney Tele­vi­sion Ani­ma­tion, Dis­ney Chan­nel) Jill Daniels, Back­ground Paint

Disney’s Prep & Land­ing: Naughty Vs. Nice (Walt Dis­ney Ani­ma­tion Stu­dios, ABC) Bill Schwab, Char­ac­ter Design

Secret Moun­tain Fort Awe­some. “Night­mare Sauce” (Car­toon Net­work Stu­dios, Car­toon Net­work) Robert Ryan Cory, Char­ac­ter Design

Secret Moun­tain Fort Awe­some. “Night­mare Sauce” (Car­toon Net­work Stu­dios, Car­toon Net­work) Chris Tsir­gi­o­tis, Back­ground Design

The Prime­time Emmy rules state that in a juried award, all entrants are screened by a jury of pro­fes­sion­als in the peer group, with the pos­si­bil­ity of one, more than one or no entry being awarded an Emmy. There are no nominations. The win­ners, if any, are announced prior to the awards pre­sen­ta­tion. Delib­er­a­tions are an open dis­cus­sion of the work of each entrant, with a thor­ough review of the mer­its of award­ing the Emmy. At the con­clu­sion of the delib­er­a­tion on each entry, the jury votes on the ques­tion, “Is this entry wor­thy of an Emmy award — yea or nay?” Only those in unan­i­mous approval win.

These awards will be handed out dur­ing the Cre­ative Arts Emmy Awards on Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 15 at the Nokia The­atre in Los Ange­les. They will be taped for a two-hour, edited ver­sion which will air Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 22 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Reelz Channel. For more infor­ma­tion, visit www.emmys.com.

Source: ATAS

Jennifer Wolfe's picture

Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.
