L.A. M.P.S.C. toon union holds annual elections

At its membership meeting on September 29, the Motion Picture Screen Cartoonists and Affiliated Optical Electronic and Graphic Arts, Local 839 IATSE re-elected the following officers, who were nominated without opposition: President: Tom Sito, Vice-President: George Sukara, Business Representative: Steve Hulett, Recording Secretary: Jeff Massie, Sergeant-At-Arms: Jan Browning. In addition, 17 nominations were received for 11 positions on Local 839's Executive Board, including eight incumbents (marked with a *): Román Arámbula, Bronwen Barry*, Ben Berkman, Dave Brain*, Pat Connolly-Sito*, Elena Cox, Martin Forte, Bob Foster, Warren Greenwood, Jim Hillin, Earl Kress*, Craig Littell-Herrick*, Greg Manwaring, Enrique May*, Karen Nugent, Ann Sullivan* and Stephan Zupkas*. Current Executive Board members Sheila Brown, Tom Ray and Dave Zaboski did not run for re-election. Ballots have been mailed to active Local 839 members in good standing, and will be counted on October 24. The results will be announced the following Monday on Local 839's information page.

For more information on the M.P.S.C. union, visit Animation World Magazine's July 1998 issue for president Tom Sito's article, "The Hollywood Animation Union (M.P.S.C. #839)."
