New Jobs: Animators, Digital Artists, Directors, Visual Artists And More...

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada-based Remote Planet, an independent radio program developing an animated TV series, is looking for 2D ANIMATORS/CONCEPTUAL ARTISTS. . . Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada-based Helix Animation Inc., a 2D animation production studio, is looking for a 2D CLASSICAL ANIMATION POSER and an ANIMATION POSING SUPERVISOR for a Saturday morning television production. . . Mexico City, Mexico-based Ollin Studio, an animation and visual effects studio specialized in 3D animation and VFX for commercials, is looking for 3D ANIMATORS with experience. . . Toronto, Ontario, Canada-based Elliott Animation is looking for junior and intermediate 3D ANIMATORS for a new television series. . . London, UK-based Mill Film, one of London's premier feature film post-production facility, is looking for a 3D PROGRAMMER to work in production environment on SGI and Windows NT. . . Running Down Dreams is looking for an ANIMATRONIC FABRICATOR, a CREW and a SCENIC PAINTER for an indie production; copy credit only, no pay. . . Rich-Crest Animation is looking for a CHARACTER DESIGN ARTIST for futuristic yet contemporary robotic and assembly-line type designs. . . Southampton, New York-based eQ Studios, a small, upstart studio, is looking for an ANIMATOR/ILLUSTRATOR for children's Web/television serial currently in development. . . North Hollywood, California-based Film Roman, a leading producer of animated and live-action entertainment, is looking for a GRAPHIC DESIGNER as well as a DEVELOPMENT/LIVE-ACTION INTERNSHIP. This is a non-paid position which must be completed for college/academic credit. . . Kirkland, Washington-based Know Wonder Digital Mediaworks is looking for a FULL MOTION VIDEO ARTIST to work on a next generation console title. . . Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada-based Cage Digital, a service house for effects and animation, is looking for a LEAD CG ANIMATOR to oversee a team producing a CG series for kids. . . Los Angeles California-based Laguna Vision Productions is looking for a MOTION GRAPHICS DESIGNER interested in part-time internship that will grow with the company. . . New York-based Eyebeam Atelier, a non-profit new media arts organization, is looking for a MOVING IMAGE DIVISION DIRECTOR who will help design and implement their new Moving Image Division. . . Manhattan-based Sorceron, an Internet technology company with an active 3D production arm, is looking for a SENIOR CHARACTER TECHNICAL DIRECTOR, a SENIOR INTERFACE DESIGNER, a SENIOR WEB DESIGNER, a SENIOR CG COLOR & LIGHTING ARTIST, a SENIOR CG TECHNICAL DIRECTOR and a WRITER/COPY EDITOR. . . Halifax, Canada-based Trainingscape Studios Canada Inc., a studio providing cartoon content for its mother company Inc., is looking for TRADITIONAL LAYOUT ARTISTS/POSERS. . . Luxembourg-based Oniria Pictures, an audiovisual production company specializing in animation, is looking for an experienced TV SERIES DIRECTOR to work on a 52x13min. series done with a new 3D technique.

For more information about these and other jobs, check out AWN's Career Connections, the online Animation Job Fair.