Taiwan International Animation Festival
Kaohsiung/Taipei, Taiwan
April 2003 (Dates TBA)
Entry Deadline: Sunday, December 15, 2002
The Taiwan International Animation Festival (TIAF) is the first festival of its kind in Taiwan. TIAF is a non-competitive festival open to all animated films and is accepting entries in all formats, running times and techniques. No entry fee is required. TIAF is organized by the Chinese Taipei Film Archive, a non-profit association that is sponsored by the Government Information Office in Taiwan. The Archive is committed to collecting, restoring and preserving Taiwan's motion picture heritage and assists the development of the film industry in Taiwan. The festival will take place in April 2003. Specific festival dates will be announced in December. For more information, email: tiaf@mail.ctfa.org.tw. Website www.ctfa.org.tw/tiaf.