New animated short directed by John Rice, ‘The Early Hatchling Gets the Worm,’ to screen in select theaters ahead of ‘The Angry Birds Movie’ this weekend.
CULVER CITY, CA -- The Angry Birds Movie has flown to new heights, circling $300 million in worldwide box office, and The Hatchlings are celebrating in their own incredibly cute way. Everyone's favorite fluffy little birds, voiced by young children, star in a brand new short, The Early Hatchling Gets the Worm, viewable in select theaters starting this weekend
Four Hatchling shorts have been released so far, garnering a total of 40 million views and counting. The videos are part of a viral marketing campaign, with the first video in the series having been shared a total of 400,000 times on social media. Previous Hatchlings shorts have been released to mark holidays such as Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day and Memorial Day.
The short, focusing on an unlikely friendship that forms between a Hatchling and a worm she adopts, will run in select theaters before showings of The Angry Birds Movie beginning this weekend.
The Early Hatchling Gets the Worm is directed by John Rice from a story by Vadim Bazhanov. Producers are John Cohen and Catherine Winder. The Angry Birds Movie is now playing in theaters worldwide.
Source: Sony Pictures Entertainment