The entry deadline for the second awarding of Women In Animation'sPhyllis Craig Scholarship has been extended to June 30, 2001.
The entry deadline for the second awarding of Women In Animation'sPhyllis Craig Scholarship has been extended to June 30, 2001. Two WIAmembers who want to learn the art of animation will receive $500scholarships each on July 31, 2001. So apply now or encourage yourtalented students to send in an application right away. Entry formsare available on WIA's Website and you can become a WIA member whenyou submit your scholarship application. As a Founding Member ofWomen In Animation, Phyllis headed the Education Committee from thestart. Phyllis was a great believer in helping young people. Shestarted Film Roman Studio's highly successful internship program andwas the "studio mom." She encouraged many to further their educationand was unstinting in giving advice on schools, portfolios andresumes. She helped a lot of us to get that first job. There can beno better way to honor her memory then to help future artists gainthe education needed for our wonderful, wacky industry.