Tagged With: The Animation Pimp

animated short films Blogs

The Animation Pimp: Deviated Preverts or Making ‘Toomas Beneath the Valley of the Wild Wolves’

Chris Robinson reflects on the epic ‘handyman’ we first came to know and love in ‘Manivald,’ talking various absurdities with filmmakers Chintis Lundgren and Draško Ivezić.

Tributes ANIMATIONWorld

Beautiful Maladies – The Uncanny World of Rosto

Ottawa Animation Festival artistic director Chris Robinson shares a previously unpublished 2015 Pimpcast interview with the iconic Dutch musician and director, who passed away at 50 on March 7.

The Animation Pimp Blogs

The Animation Pimp: Kaspar Jancis and his Motel of Fools

Can we ever realistically connect with the world around us for extended periods or are these moments of connection and small joys just fleeting, fading as fast as they appear?

The Animation Pimp Blogs

Somebody on Something: Pat Smith’s ‘Blank on Blank’

Director Pat Smith talks about animating lost and rare interviews with stars like Hunter S. Thompson and Lou Reed for his new web mini-series.