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Dell Headline News

Dell to Make AMD Switch

Dell announced that it would begin using processors from AMD in place of those from Intel to help regain lost market share. Dell said that the AMD-based Dell high-end servers with four Opteron processors would be introduced by the end of this year.

Kevin B. Rollins, Dell ceo, emphasized, however, that it is a fairly small category that has been given to AMD, and that Intel would continue to remain the supplier of most processors used by Dell.

Million Headline News

Madagascar DVD Drives DreamWorks Animation 1st Quarter

For the first quarter of 2006, DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc. reported total revenue of $60.1 million and net income of approximately $12.3 million, or $0.12 per share on a fully diluted basis, driven primarily by the home entertainment sales of MADAGASCAR. However, this compares to revenue of $167 million and net income of $45.7 million, or $0.44 per share on a fully diluted basis for the same period in 2005. The company ended the period with $505.5 million of cash and cash equivalents.

Entertainment Headline News

Former MGM Vice Chairman Joins IDT Ent.

IDT Ent. announced the appointment of Chris McGurk to the newly created post of senior advisor, new ventures. McGurks longtime career in the entertainment industry includes stints atop MGM, Universal Pictures and the Walt Disney Co. Motion Picture Group. In his new position, McGurk will focus his industry experience on leveraging IDTs assets to build a new live-action theatrical production and distribution arm. He will report to IDT Ent.

Company Headline News

Simon Flamank Named CEO of TV Loonland AG

The supervisory Board of TV Loonland AG announced the appointment of Simon Flamank as the new ceo of TV Loonland. Flamanks appointment follows the departure of former ceo Selma Kappel, who leaves the company following a disagreement with the supervisory board about the future development of the company.

Games Headline News

Grand Theft Auto Lawsuit Creates Turmoil at Take-Two

After the city of Los Angeles filed suit against Take-Two Software for selling pornographic videogames to children, the game developers stock plummeted on Friday. At the close of Friday, Take-Two share were at $14.69 down 13.7%. Earlier in the day, the stock had hit a three-year low of $13.68.

The game named in the suit is GRAND THEFT AUTO: SAN ANDREAS, which had its rating changed from MA "Mature 17+" to AO "Adults Only 18+ after it was discovered that it contained hidden sex scenes.

Company Headline News

Borders To Head PDI/DreamWorks as Burke Transitions to Consult

Gloria Borders joins DreamWorks Animation as head of PDI/DreamWorks, the studios Redwood City, California, campus. Borders is taking over for Patti Burke, who transitions into a senior consultant role at the company. Borders will oversee all production and operations at PDI/DreamWorks.

Company Headline News

New York’s Quiet Man Celebrates 10 Years of VFX

In many respects, Quiet Man functions much as it sounds. The New York visual effects company is decidedly low-key and casual, reflecting the comfortable confidence with which they ply their craft. However, Since opening their doors a decade ago, the creative studio has enjoyed a, for the most part uninterrupted, growth in status and reputation in the advertising industry, in which they are renowned for the high level of aesthetic and technical finesse they bring to their visual effects work.

Turbo Headline News

Turbo Squid Weathers Hurricane Katrina

We at AWN were relieved to hear at last from Beau Perschall, vp of publishing for Turbo Squid, who reports the New Orleans-based 3D software company has weathered hurricane Katrina. He shared that the company is slowly reconnecting its many tentacles while the site has remained alive through the ordeal.

He was able to evacuate his family to stay with friends in North Carolina and is hearing that his house and others are intact for the most part.

Company Headline News

Pixar Shares Drop After SEC Probe Reported

Pixar shares dropped after the WALL STREET JOURNAL reported the company is being investigated by regulators over its home entertainment release of THE INCREDIBLES. The informal Securities and Exchange Commission probe is looking to the facts behind Pixar cutting its second-quarter profit forecast in June, stating slower than expected sales of the DVDs.

Dreamworks Headline News

DreamWorks Makes Changes at the Top

DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc. has given chairman Roger Enrico more control over finances and legal matters for the company as the Securities and Exchange Commission conducts an informal probe into financial disclosures and trading of DreamWorks shares, according to BLOOMBERG NEWS.

CFO Kristina Leslie and general counsel Katherine Kendrick will report to Enrico and chief exec Jeffrey Katzenberg. They previously reported to Katzenberg and coo Ann Daly, who will primarily focus now on film production and home video sales, the company said.

Company Headline News

Marisa Fiechter to Produce for Trollbäck + Co.

Marisa Fiechter has rejoined bicoastal creative studio Trollbäck + Company as a producer and is producing projects for HBO as well as the comprehensive redesign of a TV network.

The combination of Marisas nine years of agency experience and her sense of taste and style make her a perfect match for Trollbäck + Co., said exec producer Elizabeth Kiehner.

Dreamworks Headline News

DVD Sales Spur DreamWorks Animation to Withdrawal Secondary Offering

DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc. confirmed that it has been informed by its principal shareholders that they will not proceed at this time with the secondary offering of $500 million of Class A common stock which was filed in a preliminary registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 28, 2005.

Music Headline News

Sagarika Music Forms Culture Company for Toon Series

Mumbai-based music company, Sagarika Music Pvt. Ltd., has launched its children's entertainment brand, The Culture Company, and an animation VCD series targeting children, reports THE HINDU.

"The Culture Company is a brand under which Sagarika will produce and market educational and entertainment products for children of the target age group, 2-12," Sagarika Bam, president, Sagarika Music.

Disney Headline News

Roy Disney & Stanley Gold Put Aside Disney Differences

The Walt Disney Company, Roy E. Disney and Stanley P. Gold announced today (July 8, 2005) that they have agreed to put aside the differences of late and has brought Roy Disney back to the company board as a diorector emeritus. Disney and Gold will not to run a rival slate of directors, submit shareholder resolutions for the next five years and have also agreed to dismiss all their pending lawsuits against the Disney Co.

Company Headline News

Anchor Bay Enters The UMD Market

Anchor Bay Ent. announced its entrance into the Universal Media Disc (UMD) marketplace with six popular films. On Aug. 23, 2005, the company will release HALLOWEEN, EVIL DEAD, TIME BANDITS, as well as Manga Ent.s GHOST IN THE SHELL, BLOOD: THE LAST VAMPIRE and NINJA SCROLL on UMD. Each film will cost $19.98.

Company Headline News

Nippon Toy Titans Converge as Bandai Buys Namco

Japanese toy giant Bandais got game, acquiring Nippon videogame giant Namco for $1.7 billion in cash and stock, in a huge development for the gaming industry.

Bandai owns the POWER RANGERS and DIGIMON, while Namco owns the classic PAC-MAN and new hit games such as TEKKEN. The financial and trade wires are buzzing about how this combination will create Japans second-biggest maker of toys and videogames.

Company Headline News

GigaPix Opens New Facility in Chatsworth

Chatsworth, California-based computer-animation house GigaPix Studios has opened a new 32,000-square-foot facility, according to HOLLYWOOD REPORTER. The company intends to expand to 120-160 artists. Ceo Chris Blauvelt and president John Savage plan to move from shorts to independent computer-animated features.

"GigaPix is entering the market at an opportune time for the independent," Blauvelt said. "Financing for moderate-budget, well-crafted CGI features with great storytelling is readily available."

Company Headline News

Vinton CEO Farnath Leaves

With contract negotiations coming to an impasse with company owner and board chairman Phil Knight, Jeff Farnath, ceo of Vinton Studios, will be leaving the Portland, Ore.-based animation house. Bob Harold, a Vinton board member and 18-year Nike Inc. finance exec, will act as interim CEO until Farnath can find a permanent replacement. Farnath will remain under contract with the house as a consultant.

Company Headline News

Viacom Explores Dividing Into Separate Publicly Traded Companies

Sumner M. Redstone, chairman/ceo of Viacom Inc. is exploring the possibility of dividing the corporations businesses into separate publicly-traded companies, to achieve important corporate objectives and to better deliver value to shareholders in a tax-efficient manner, a company statement read. Viacom expects to announce further details regarding the possible separation in the second quarter of 2005.
