It’s nice to see our little neck of the woods get a bit of attention from mainstream media now and then, especially with meaningful and thoughtful commentary about films that while known to many in the industry, for the most part are unknown to most everyone else on the planet.
It’s nice to see our little neck of the woods get a bit of attention from mainstream media now and then, especially with meaningful and thoughtful commentary about films that while known to many in the industry, for the most part are unknown to most everyone else on the planet.
KPCC, a Southern California public radio station, has published an excellent audio review, complete with transcription, of the new Animation Show of Shows short film DVD collection. The piece, by Charles Solomon, simply and succinctly gets to the heart of what makes independent animation so special. Know up front that as a business partner with the collection’s curator and publisher, Ron Diamond, I’m a bit biased in my feelings on and support for the ASOS collections. However, the bottom line is that the difficulty in securing the rights, producing, authoring and distributing such a compilation, let alone choosing such a fantastic lineup of films, coupled with the economic realities and difficulties associated with such an endeavor, illustrates the passion and care taken to bring this new compilation to market.
The films represent the work of some of the world’s greatest animators and are a must for any animation fan or professional. Kudos to Charles and KPCC for making the effort to share with their audience a set of films that may be unfamiliar but are well worth getting to know.
You can find the review here.
All Animation Show of Shows collections can be found at
Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.