Third Annual Aniboom Awards Open For Submissions

aniBoom has announced its Third Annual aniBoom Awards for submissions from independent animators of all types around the globe. Submissions are welcome from today through December 1, 2008, during which time the animations will be viewed and ranked by the community on and by a select panel of entertainment industry luminaries.

At stake is a Grand Prize for the overall winner that includes a $25,000 investment in commercial development and a distribution deal with aniBoom that will enable the winning animator to significant career-making exposure through a variety of outlets and channels.

In addition, three selected Community Favorites will be selected based on aniBoom's online animation community ranking, as well as three Top Selections by the competition's panel of Judges. All six selections will be awarded a share of the $50,000 in cash and prizes, including ToonBoom software and CG Society books. All 50 of the top picks will receive prizes.

The panel of judges for this year's aniBoom Awards competition includes content and entertainment industry's executives:

--Yair Landau, former President of Sony Pictures Digital--John Mass, Exec VP at the international William Morris Agency--Peter Hirshberg, Chairman of the Executive Committee & CMO, Technorati Inc.--Mauro Del Rio, Founder and Chairman of Buongiorno--Ellen Goldsmith-Vein, Founder and CEO of the Gotham Group--Barbara Corday, Senior Television Producer at Columbia Pictures--Yehuda Wurtzel, SVP, Content Development and Productization, aniBoom

Participants in the previous aniBoom Award competition have benefited by the exposure associated with the program. Eric Lerner, one of the 2006 aniBoom Awards winners, leveraged his success to a top-notch job at London film studio Partizan Lab, and recently created an animated commercial for Coca-Cola, for its 2008 Beijing Olympics. Anita Dreiseberg, a 2006 aniBoom Award Winner for her animation, BACK IN BUSH, was approached by the CW Network, introduced to her RENO REYNOLDS HOLIDAY SONG entry on, with a proposal to air it on the holiday episode of their new TV show ONLINE NATION.

