Geographical Region: Europe

Years Headline News

The tenth CARTOON FORUM takes place next week

From September 22 to 26, the 1999 Cartoon Forum will be welcoming 620participants, among which will be Animation World Network's own RonDiamond, in Cordoba, Spain. This record attendance shows that this event,organized over the last 10 years with support from the European Union Mediaprogram, has been established as an important industry event. This yearsixty-nine projects seeking partners will be offered to potential investorsand producers. Over 150 projects initiated at the Forum in previous years

Series Headline News

MARSUPILAMI goes into production

Montreal, Canada-based Motion International has started production onMARSUPILAMI, a 26 episode, half-hour animated television series based on acomic strip by Belgium artist Andrè Franquin. French producer Marathon isco-producing, and the series will be aired by Tele-Quebec, as well asother, as yet undetermined, international broadcasters. Marsupilami is afunny animal-type character with yellow fur, black spots and many talents.He first appeared in 1952 in SPIROU MAGAZINE, a Belgian comic book. A

Headline News

Europacinema & TV Film Festival calls for entries

The 16th EuropaCinema & TV Film Festival takes place November 27-December 3, 1999 inRome, Italy. The deadline for entries for the animated shorts competitionis October 10, 1999. For more information contact EuropaCinema & TV, Via XXSettembre, 3 - 00187 Roma, Italy; or Tel. +39 06 42011184 or +39 0642000211; Fax +39 06 42010599; or E-mail: Alsovisit //

Headline News


Toronto-based NELVANA LIMITED has promoted EMMANUELE PETRY to vicepresident of Nelvana Europe International Limited. In her new position,Petry will be responsible for supervising the company's London and Parisoffices. She will continue to investigate co-production and financingopportunities in Europe, and she will also oversee the distribution of TV,video, theatrical and merchandising rights in countries outside NorthAmerica.

Team Headline News

INFOGRAMES appoints new management team

INFOGRAMES, a global publisher of interactive entertainment software, hasappointed a new management team. STAN ROACH, formerly executive vicepresident of marketing, will take on the role of COO overseeing sales,marketing and product development. YVES LEGRIS, formerly with Infogrames'headquarters in France, will become COO responsible for finance, businessdevelopment, legal affairs, studio operations, information technology andhuman resources.

Series Headline News


Manga Video is releasing MACROSS PLUS on DVD on October 12, 1999. MACROSSPLUS, directed by Shoji Kawamori, is a DTV (direct-to-video) which is basedon the original Japanese TV series SUPERDIMENSIONAL FORTRESS MACROSS, whichwas used as the basis for the 1980s American TV series ROBOTECH. MACROSSPLUS is set approximately thirty years after the original MACROSS and justbefore the events in the Japanese TV series MACROSS 7. In MACROSS PLUS, theuniverse's most popular virtual reality singer, Sharon Apple, comes alive

Animation Headline News

A Closer Look: Puppet Animation - Archaic or Avant-Garde Technique?

Puppet Animation is often associated with late Eastern European animatorssuch as Jiri Trnka, one of the greatest puppet animators ever, orsurrealist directors like Jan Svankmajer. Puppet animation is mainlyhonored at local events -- the "Deep End Puppet Theatre Happening," whichinvolves live puppet theatre performances and puppet film screeningsthroughout the region of Northern England -- academic conferences -- aSociety for Animation Study Conference's paper on "Puppet Animation Film in

Television Headline News

A Closer Look: The Television Market

While we just launched our annual Television issue, let's look at someof the trends in the animation television market. Ten years ago, it wasoften the case that American producers cared little about the internationalmarket for TV shows. While they did not ignore it, the amount of revenuesthe global market generated seemed insignificant compared to what was generatedby licensing fees to US networks and syndication sales to independent stations.However, with the proliferation of new television outlets around the world,

Animation Headline News

Check out the new Animation on the Sunset Strip!

Animation World Network co-founder and president OF ACME FILMWORKS RonDiamond has begun curating "animation art" to be presented on Los Angeles'Sunset View Plaza Electronic Video Billboard on the world famous SunsetStrip. The video billboard provides all Sunset Boulevard west-boundtravelers an eyeful sampled from the world's most beautiful and evocativeanimation. Premiere, featured animation filmmakers are Aleksandra Korejwo,Poland; Raimund Krumme, Germany; Susan Loughlin, United Kingdom; Bill

Animation Headline News

September Acrobat Issue of Animation World Magazine Now Online!

It's fall and that means new TV! In this month's issue, Amid Amidi tells usabout the newest shows hitting the air. Sharon Schatz gives us insight intothe world of interactive television. Interactive television has beenavailable around the globe for years, but has only just come to the UnitedStates. We also go behind the scenes of Bob Clampett's "Time for Beany,"one of television's first daily live puppet shows, Japan's Toei AnimationStudios and one of France's hottest pilots, "Fats and Moe." We also have a

Interactive Headline News

MILIA D'OR 2000 calls for entries

MILIA 2000, the World's Interactive Content Marketplace, will take placeFebruary 14-18, 2000 in Cannes, France. The sixth edition of the MILIA d'OrAwards - The World's Interactive Content Awards will be sponsored for thesecond consecutive year by DVD FORUM, an international associationdedicated to developing DVD formats and promoting its broad acceptance.Awards categories include interactive (games, family entertainment andlearning), as well as Interactive TV, e-commerce and online entertainment.

Headline News

A.D.V Films releases more anime for fans

A.D.V. Films is releasing the following anime titles in the US. On November9: MARTIAN SUCCESSOR NADESICO VOLUME 1 - INVASION! - An unorthodox crewfights to save Earth from annihilation by Martians; COMPILER 2 - It'sCompiler versus Compiler in deadly showdown!; and ORIGINAL DIRTY PAIRVOLUME 4 - Kei and Yuri stumble upon a child who is the sole survivor of amass murder committed over twenty years ago. November 23: BUBBLEGUM CRISISVOLUME 2 - TRIAL BY FIRE - Sylia's brother Mackey joins the team as the

Version Headline News

New version of Toonz 2D software released

Italy, Rome-based Digital Video S.R.L. has announced Toonz version 4.3,which provides 2D users with new tools to be more creative and efficient ontheir job. The digital exposure sheet is much more user friendly, includingmany new special effects, complete keyframe capabilities on all parameters,and enlarged number of mathematical expressions for more controllablemotion. Enhancements of display features include icons in the level headerarea for quick reference of elements. Texture mapping has been strengthened

Animated Headline News

Brussels calls for entries

The 19th Brussels Cartoon and Animated Film Festival takes place February28-March, 11 2000. The deadlines for entries is November 1, 1999. Each yearthe Brussels Cartoon and Animated Film Festival programs the crème de lacrème in international animation, and chooses its candidate for the Cartoond'Or. For more information contact The Brussels Cartoon and Animated FilmFestival, Rue de la Rhétorique 19, 1060 Brussels, Belgium. Tel: 32 2 534 41

Cartoon Headline News

Don't miss the Annual Cartoon Forum

The Annual Cartoon Forum is organized by the European Association forAnimated Films. This year the forum focuses on TV animation. Also, one ofsix European short films will be awarded the Cartoon d'Or 1999. The eventtakes place Wednesday, September 22 - Sunday, September 26 in Cordoba,Spain. For more information contact AEFA Cartoon, Boulevard Lambermont,4181030 Brussels, Belgium. Tel: + 32 2 245 12 00; or Fax: + 32 2 245 46 89.

Festival Headline News

Don't miss The Animated Castles festival

The Animated Castles festival is an international animation festival in theform of a show. All events, including the international competition and theItalian competition of short films, the conferences, round tables,interviews and previews, are presented in one big venue. This year, thefestival pays tribute to Marv Newland, Joanna Quinn, Carlos Trillo andRoberto Gavioli. For more information contact The Animated Castles, c/oConsorzio Imprese Castelli Romani, Corso Gramsci 110, 00045 Genzano, Rome,

Festival Headline News

Don't miss the 2nd Matita International Animation Film Festival

The 2nd Matita International Animation Film Festival is a competitiveanimation festival. In addition to the official competition, this year'sprogram includes an Italian film program, a profile of the CFT Gobelinsschool, a tribute to Jiri Trnka, a Barry Purves retrospective and a forumabout new technologies. The event takes place Thursday, September 23 -Sunday, September 26 in Guardiagrele, Italy. For more information contactCamillo DíAlessandro, Mila Paterra, Ex Novo/ Mff, via dei Crociferi, 44,

Animation Headline News

MIPCOM announcements

The tradeshow for television programming producers and distributors takesplace October 4-8 in Cannes, France. Basque, Spain-based animation studioIRUSOIN is nearing completion of KARRAMARRO (CRAB ISLAND), a made fortelevision animated feature with rights available for worldwide TV andvideo release. The original story is about a group of kind, song-lovingpirates, focused on luckless Dimitri, a pirate who cannot sing, and aparrot who is the only clue to tracking down a fabulous pirate's treasure.

Headline News

Fantoche 99 announces winners

The Fantoche International AnimationFestival, which was held August 31-September 5 in Baden/Zurich,Switzerland, has announced its award winners. The jury, which was comprisedof Linda Simensky (USA), Pierre Hébert (Canada), Michail Aldashin (Russia),Franziska Oliver (CH) and Frédéric Maire (CH), awarded the following prizes:

First Prize 'Best Film'MAJOR'S NOSE by Michail Lisowoi

Second Prize 'High Risk'GRACE by Lorelei Pepi

Third Prize 'Encouragement-Prize'

Festival Headline News

The 5th Cartoombria International Animation Festival is announced!

The 5th Cartoombria International Animation Festival will happen inPerugia, Italy, December 2-5, 1999. Although there will be no competitivesection, the artistic committee of the festival has put together a numberof retrospectives, exhibits, workshops, screenings, premieres and artisttributes. The festival will provide an international forum for a wide rangeof animation including feature films, TV serials, animated drawings, logosand advertising spots, and experimental videos made by international

Million Headline News

PHANTOM MENACE continues to score at the boxoffice

Lucasfilm's STAR WARS EPISODE ONE:THE PHANTOM MENACE passed the $300 million mark in overseas boxoffice,making it the eleventh most successful film of all time outside of NorthAmerica. It opened last week in Switzerland with $1.1 million, thefourth-biggest opening there. In three regions where it was in its secondweek of release, it took in $7.5 million in Germany for a total of $24.7million; $2.7 million in Spain for a total of $10.9 million; and $893,000in Sweden for a total of $3.1 million. The film's total gross from 27

Animation Headline News

NPAR 2000 calls for entries

NPAR 2000 is the first internationalsymposium dedicated to non-photorealistic animation and rendering,including cartoon animation systems and techniques. It takes place at theInternational Animated Film Festival of Annecy, France, July 5-9, 2000 inconjunction with ACM/SIGGRAPH and Eurographics. The symposium will bringtogether researchers and practitioners from academia and industry, showcasecutting-edge research in non-photorealistic animation and rendering systemsand techniques, and present examples of these techniques in original

Events Headline News

Bill Plympton around the world!

Once again, Bill Plympton has updated his appearances page. In the nextmonths, "I Married a Strange Person" will be appearing in various festivalsand other events in the US, Germany, Finland and Ukraine. Bill will also beattending the events in the US and Germany.

Check out Bill's appearance schedule.

Events Headline News

Imagina 2000, PISAF and Stuttgart event dates announced

This week's updates to the Calendar of Events includes the followingfestivals: Imagina 2000 in France, Stuttgart in Germany, PISAF in SouthKorea; Plus the first International Symposium On Non-PhotorealisticAnimation and Rendering in France. The Calendar of Upcoming Events is aconstantly changing reference source for what's happening around the Worldof Animation. Use it to stay abreast of animation related activities acrossthe globe. If you know of animation related events that we don't have

Animation Headline News

Women In Animation presents a program of shorts by women

Women In Animation Shorts Fest I is a showcase for short animated filmsmade by Women In Animation members and other filmmakers from around theworld. This evening's program includes films by Suzanne Franzel (Germany),Jaime Levy (USA), and Wendy Tilby and Amanda Forbis (Canada). It takesplace Friday, September 10, 7 pm at Santa Monica, California, SantaMonica College, Academy of Entertainment and Technology, 1440 StewartStreet, (by Olympic and 26th). Admission is free and open to the public.
