Tagged With: indie animation

Opinion ANIMATIONWorld

Cheer and Loathing in Animation: Episode XVI - W/Glas(s) in Foot

Every Friday Chris Robinson unleashes improvised and hastily scribbled cheer or loathing on the animation community to be digested, swallowed or... expelled. Today: a cheer to a most interesting new animation festival: GLAS


Animated Short Film ANIMATIONWorld

Pictures from the Brainbox: A Weekly Dose of Indie Animation - 'Spectators'

Every Tuesday, Chris Robinson digests and dissects (relatively) new indie animation short films. This week, he screens Ross Hogg's beautiful dissection of sports fans in Spectators (2013).

Profiles ANIMATIONWorld

Animators Unearthed - Chris Sullivan

Every Monday, Chris Robinson serves up Animators Unearthed, a brief introduction to prominent and not-so-prominent indie animators. This week he takes a look at Chicago animator Chris Sullivan.

Opinion ANIMATIONWorld

Cheer and Loathing in Animation: Episode VII - Non-Absorbing?

Every Friday Chris Robinson unleashes some freewheeling cheer or loathing on the animation community to be mused, countered, or disregarded. It’s your call.

Opinion ANIMATIONWorld

Cheer and Loathing in Animation: Episode IV - Sausage Party of Seven

Every Friday Chris Robinson unleashes some freewheeling cheer or loathing on the animation community to be mused, countered, or disregarded. It’s your call.

Independent Animation Headline News

Late Night Work Club Bringing ‘Strangers’ Showcase to Los Angeles

Second full release from the Late Night Work Club collective brings seven new and diverse films from filmmakers located all over the world to the Los Angeles Downtown Independent on Friday, December 9.
