McKenzie College Open House
McKenzie College in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, is pleased to invite you and your guests to their next Open House, Thursday, January 17th, 2002, from 4pm
McKenzie College in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, is pleased to invite you and your guests to their next Open House, Thursday, January 17th, 2002, from 4pm
The SAVANNAH COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN, located in historic Savannah,
Georgia, USA, is seeking candidates with college-level teaching experience
for the position of PROFESSOR OF COMPUTER ART to teach beginning and
advanced level courses in Stop-Motion and Clay Animation. The successful
candidate should have professional experience as an
animator/director/designer, and familiarity with a wide range of
fabrication materials, techniques and styles, including armatures and
* Tuesday, February 8, 2000. Glendale, CA, U.S.A.
Women in Animation, ASIFA-Hollywood and Glendale Community College proudly
present the Fourth Annual Lecture Series "Careers in Animation." This
year's presenter will be Frank Gladstone, head of Artistic Development at
DreamWorks SKG Animation. Gladstone has been a professional animator,
producer, director, writer and teacher for more than twenty-five years.
Between 1973 and 1989, he managed his own award-winning studio, Persistence
* Friday, December 12, 1999. London, England.
The Surrey Institute of Art & Design, University College will behighlighting the unique graduate work done in their film, video, andanimation department since 1995. One can share in the rare chance of seeingthe cream of the crop from the school's library of productions. Thereception starts at 6pm to be followed by themed screenings at 6:30 pm,7:30 pm, 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm. Due to limited seating the college requests a
The graduates of the University of Wales College Newport's animationprogram will be presenting a screening of their work on Friday, July 2nd1999 at 6 pm. The screening will be held at De Lane Lea, Dean Street,London, England in the college's newly refurbished preview cinema. Thefilms are a mixture of techniques and styles, from an abstract musicalcollaboration with renowned percussionist Evelyn Glennie working directlyon film, to a cel-based narrative piece that makes SOUTH PARK look tame.
The animation students at The Royal College of Art will exhibit their work as part of The Royal College of Art Show 1999: Design, Communication & Humanities from Wednesday 23 June - Sunday 4 July, from10am - 6pm daily + one late night. The college is famous for the high quality of work done by its students. It is located in Kensington Gore, London W7. For further information, TEL: 0171 590 4444; or FAX: 0171 590 4500. Also visit for more information.
International Fine Arts College, founded in 1965, has received approvalfrom the Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities tooffer the Master of Fine Arts in Computer Animation. Classes will beginJanuary 2000. The Master of Fine Arts Degree in Computer Animation is astudio based, sixty credit program focusing on animation utilizing theSilicon Graphics platform with Alias|Wavefront Maya software. The AnimationStudio boasts 63 SGI O2s running the latest versions of Alias|Wavefront;
Tueday, April 13. Glendale, California, U.S.A.
As part of ASIFA-Hollywood's Third Annual Lecture Series, Corey Hels willspeak at the Glendale Community College auditorium about what it takes tobe a technical director. Hels has worked as a technical director or CGIanimator for various studios including Metrolight, Dream Quest Images,Turner Feature Animation, and Warner Bros. Feature and Classical Animation.His film credits include CATS DON'T DANCE, IRON GIANT, THE MASK, CRIMSON
THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (USC) has hired Internet developer MARK PESCE to head up a new department in the School of Cinema-Television devoted to interactive media. Pesce is cited as being the person who developed Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), the programming code that enables real-time interactivity on the web. He is also co-founder, with Jan Mallis, of an Internet content company called blitcom. Pesce designed the certificate program in 3D Arts at San Francisco State University's College of Extended Learning, and has been teaching at the college level since 1995.
Chris Robinson investigates the current status of animation in Canada and the tricky balance between art and industry.